
// Portfolio  -  Caadio

A platform for athletes and active people looking for intelligent recovery and smarter workouts. Caadio can help achieve your absolute peak performance.

UX Design // Research // User Interface //

UX Design // Research // User Interface

// UX Design // Research // User Interface //


Caadio sports ltd.




health & fitness

Track your recovery

The recovery tracking capabilities of the Caadio app are designed to help users monitor and optimize their post-workout and overall recovery. By utilizing advanced algorithms and personalized data analysis, the feature provides users with insights into their recovery levels, such as sleep quality, heart rate variability, and muscle soreness. It offers recommendations on rest days, appropriate exercise intensity, and nutrition adjustments to enhance recovery and prevent overtraining. With easy-to-understand visualizations and comprehensive progress reports, users can make informed decisions about their training routines, ensuring they achieve their fitness goals while maintaining a balanced and healthy approach to their overall well-being.

Kode Technologies - Caadio case study recovery
Kode Technologies - Caadio case study feature

Workouts and peak performance

With workout tracking and peak performance users can track their workouts, including training type, heart rate, distance travelled, time in zone and more with integration capabilities to a wide variety of HR monitors. The peak performance tracking feature allows users to benchmark what their absolute best performance is on a number of factors weight against each other which allows users to see how much effort they realistically put into each training session.

Kode Technologies - Caadio case study workouts
Kode Technologies - Caadio case study feature

Detailed sleep breakdown

The sleep tracking section seamlessly integrates with a wide range of sleep trackers, allowing users to effortlessly sync and analyze their sleep data. The application provides a comprehensive overview of sleep patterns, including total sleep time, sleep efficiency, and the breakdown of different sleep stages like deep sleep and REM sleep. Leveraging advanced algorithms, it estimates sleep quality, helping users understand the factors that may affect their sleep and make necessary adjustments to improve overall sleep hygiene.

Kode Technologies - Caadio case study sleep tracker
Kode Technologies - Caadio case study feature

Insights from doctors and coaches

Caadio allows users’ doctors and coaches to add insights and feedback to the results being tracked. This unique feature allows users to gain valuable insights and personalized recommendations from the user authorised dedicated professionals. Users can securely share their fitness and health data with their trusted healthcare providers or coaches, who can then review the information and provide tailored guidance based on their expertise. Whether it's adjusting exercise routines, modifying nutrition plans, or addressing specific health concerns, users can receive expert advice directly within the application.

Kode Technologies - Caadio case study insights

Fully controlled dashboard

Caadio also offers a web based enterprise solution specifically designed for sport team managers and coaches. This allows managers to efficiently monitor and track the performance of all their athletes on a granular level. With advanced data analysis and real-time tracking capabilities, coaches can stay on top of each athlete's progress, including metrics like strength, speed, endurance, and skill development. The system provides automatic alerts for abnormalities and changes in performance patterns, allowing coaches to quickly identify potential issues or areas of improvement. This enables proactive interventions and personalized training adjustments to optimize performance and reduce the risk of injuries. With centralized athlete profiles, progress reports, and collaboration tools, the enterprise solution empowers coaches to make data-driven decisions and foster a competitive edge within their sports teams.

Kode Technologies - Caadio case study dashboard
PowerWave case study testimonial quote

"My experience with Kode Technologies was much better than I could have hoped.We came to them after having run into issues with our app that were stopping usfrom adding the features we wanted and hindering user acquisition, the teamexplained everything in plain english and were a tremendous support. Weeventually decided to give PowerWave a full tech overhaul which KodeTechnologies ran from scratch, our app now has an incredibly modern, userfriendly and slick design and runs like a clock with advanced features that we couldnever have implemented without them - I am grateful for their help and continuedsupport"

R. Ciaff

Founder of Caadio

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