
// Portfolio  -  Sweetnote

Beautiful and simple app you can use to progress faster – much faster – as you learn any instrument. Within seconds you can set up a practice session to provide structure and better concentration.

UX Design // Research // User Interface //

UX Design // Research // User Interface

// UX Design // Research // User Interface //







Bespoke practice supervisor and timer

Students can create Freestyle Sessions, breaking down their practice into specific sections. This allows them to focus on different aspects of their playing, such as scales, chord progressions, or specific song sections. By organizing their practice sessions, students can effectively target areas for improvement and track their progress over time. To assist with timing and rhythm, our app provides a built-in Metronome and Timers. Teachers, on the other hand, can set up Practice Lessons for their students. These lessons include detailed notes and instructions, providing students with guidance and specific objectives to work on during their practice sessions.

Kode Technologies - Sweetnote case study feature
Kode Technologies - Sweetnote case study feature

Create sessions that suits you and track the progress

In addition to our Practice Sessions feature, Sweetnote for students includes a powerful Streak Tracking feature, designed to help students maintain consistent practice habits and track their progress over time. With the Streak Tracking feature, students can monitor their practice consistency with automatic recording the number of consecutive days they have practised. Each day of practice contributes to building a streak, creating a visual representation of their dedication and commitment to their musical journey.Furthermore, the app provides motivational prompts and reminders to help students stay on track with their practice routines. These reminders ensure that practicing becomes a habit and a priority, enhancing their overall musical growth and proficiency.

Kode Technologies - Sweetnote case study feature
Kode Technologies - Sweetnote case study feature

Badges & Streaks that keeps you motivated

The Sweetnote app for students lets users earn badges for their practice achievements. This feature adds an exciting element of gamification to the learning process, motivating and rewarding students for their dedication and progress.Students can earn badges based on various milestones and accomplishments in their musical journey. These badges serve as virtual representations of their achievements, providing a tangible and visually appealing way to showcase their progress and dedication.

Kode Technologies - Sweetnote case study badges
Kode Technologies - Sweetnote case study badges

App for the teachers

With the Sweetnote App, music teachers can easily manage their student roster, keeping all important information in one centralized location. This includes student profiles, contact details, lesson schedules, and progress tracking. Teachers can monitor student achievements, milestones, and areas for improvement, allowing them to provide targeted guidance and support. Teachers can send lessons, videos, audio recordings, and other learning materials directly to their students. This feature enables teachers to share resources, assignments, and practice materials effortlessly, enhancing the learning experience and promoting consistent engagement.

Kode Technologies - Sweetnote case study feature
Kode Technologies - Sweetnote case study feature

Fully controlled dashboard

Sweetnote also has a powerful web dashboard designed specifically for music schools called Sweetnote Academy. This feature-rich dashboard serves as a centralized hub for managing teacher and student relationships, while leveraging AI technology to ensure appropriate communication. Additionally, it functions as a comprehensive school management portal, providing valuable tools and insights to optimize the operations of the music school.

Kode Technologies - Sweetnote case study dashboard
PowerWave case study testimonial quote

"Kode Technologies were Amazing building our App. To start off we did not know all the details of what we wanted, all we really had was a goal to better service our customers digitally. Kode worked with us helping us understand how we could do that via a mobile app, they explained in plain English what they would do and what they recommend. We are very happy with the app that was developed for us and would recommend Kode Technologies"

Richard Mander

Founder, Sweetnote Music Services

Kode Technologies Sweetnote CEO

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